Thursday, December 20, 2012














The women!






New Creation
A spoken Blessing

A touch of Blessing


 Queen Esther

 "Such a time as this"

 His presence fills 

Hope Restored



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Highlights of our trip

Wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and support to those who have been there for each one of the 2012 team to Ethiopia. They were felt that is for sure. What a trip! God did far more then we could have ever dream or imagined! 

A few highlights are.

1. Passing out care packages to the 300, teaching them about Jesus and getting to know and love on them all. We actually spent 4 days with them, what a blessing!!

2.  Meeting with over 60 of the Seminarians and bringing words of love and blessings from Hosanna, Lakeville to the Hosanna Seminarians. After the big meeting with the Seminarians, 3 of us met with the 9 Seminarians that we are sponsoring. It was such a joy to hear their stories and what they are going to do as soon as they graduate. It was a blessing to get to know the Seminarians that we are sponsoring to go to school.

3. A Transforming Women's Retreat. See excerpt below from my blog. (a highlight to say the least)

4. When at the hotel a couple from Texas greeted me. They had been following our ministry for the last couple of years. They apparently knew we were coming and hoped they would see us in Hosanna. I was amazed at the God connection and more amazed when I heard their hearts. They have three children and are currently living in Addis. They have started a ministry in Addis with women off the streets now making beautiful scarves that are being sold in stores like Nordstoms and Macy's. I was so excited as getting the women in jobs so they can be sustainable are our next steps we have been praying about. This is something we have been working on for 2-3 years, but everything seemed not feasible, or not the right timing. We introduced them with our women staff and then went to meet their ministry when we were in Addis. We will continue to keep in contact to see what the Lord does to see if we can bring the scarf making to our 80 women.

5. In a matter of two days I got to speak at the church service of a wedding in Hosanna Ethiopia and skype in at Hosanna! prayer chapel, for dear friends wedding who had just come to know the Lord recently and wanted to renew their vows. How fun is that!

6. The mayor of Hosanna came and presented to me a plaque for Hosanna, Church for all we have done for the town. He offered to give us any land we wanted to pursue our work!! This brought me to tears, as buying any type of land in Ethiopia is a difficult process. Humbled to say the least as we see Gods hand and favor over and over. 

7. With the sponsorship money and building that is being rented, a church was planted out of it as well! Yeah God!  I was very impressed with how they were very strategic on picking the children from all over the country side as to reach out to the Muslim area, and then to hold church services for all the children women and anyone in the area. Pastor Solomon is now the Pastor and his wife Fantu is the women in charge of bringing the 80 women to the Lord. They use this building for the children women and the church. Our vision for it all coming together is happening.

8. Met with Tesfa from Hope Chest and discussed much about the project. I walked away thrilled and excited about all of it.  I learned that out of the 20 care Points we are by far the largest one most are only 150. We enjoyed so much getting to know the Hope Chest staff, Alex who was our translator and helped us with the children. Impressed with them and so thankful to partner with them, and God connection for sure.

 9. Many healings inside and out. See below.

10. God is strategically placing people to work with us in our ministry that are solid and steadfast in Hosanna and in Addis. I am so thankful for this. We have such a "family like" connection to many and it just feels so right and is so needed as we continue to work in Hosanna from so far away. God is making it all possible and with a "holy ease."

11.Last but not least our team was incredible! All brought gifts and used them to be stretched and used by God. We did not have our luggage for 4 days, it was all apart of what God was doing in each and everyone. Everyone handled it amazingly as we remembered the words I kept feeling God was telling us before the trip. To be flexible and simple. LOL kind of fits doesn't it.

I had a word from Gemechis before I left on the trip. That my faith would be stretched, and that he saw me talking to Jesus and asking Him how will I know when to step, and Jesus answered just follow me. This is truly what this trip was like for me. I went from one thing to the next knowing full well He was with me, and confident in what it was HE wanted to say and do in and through me with the team, speaking and working with people. I think I said on several occasions. Jesus is our teacher, and I kept feeling Him in front of me. I was never tired, slept like a rock and at peace the whole time. 

Again Thank you for all your help support, love and sponsorship to help us further His Kingdom. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our team came up with this mission statement describing our time together on the,               

                                       2012 November trip to Ethiopia.

Witnessing the women and children and their dependence on Jesus for their strength in everything and thru our own experiences we too have learned to be dependant on Jesus in our own need and weaknesses. We have found a new understanding of God’s unspeakable joy, simplicity, flexibility and unity that comes from Him alone. The knowledge we have gained, comes from speaking and declaring the instant freedom of his spoken word. We only need to ask.

Isaiah 40 :28-31  ''Do you not know? Have you not heard? Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. He never grows faint or weary; There is no limit to His understanding. He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.''

John 15:7 If you remain in me and my WORDS remain in you ask whatever you want in my name and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this; that you produce much fruit and prove to be my disciples.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It is always hard to put into words the bigness of God. How I wish I could give a decent glimpse of our time with the women. I will try.

We had two days to be with the 80 women that were once working the streets of Hosanna. We as a team have worked for several months to plan what it was that God wanted to do and specifically say to the women. In fact it was part of my last Potters Wheel contract. For the last 6 months of school I researched what God was saying and speaking to other leaders who worked with women across the world. I knew that God wanted to change mindsets and barriers that pain and mistreatment has caused these women.  My desire for the last 3 years was to see them walk in the freedom of who they were in Jesus. There was a definite hardness, an anger, and lack of knowledge of the preciousness they possess.

Our theme was "Making Me New" based on the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. Regina Kehl started us out by walking us through the stages of a butterfly. In each change, each stage, God has a plan. To keep walking in Him for He has new things for us. His desire is for us to not be confined to one stage. He wants us go from one stage to the next until we are the beautiful butterfly He has designed us to be.

We then introduced the song "Beautiful Things" to them, teaching them the meaning of the song and motions to it. LOVE!

One of our favorite memories from this trip was here when we had them make their own crowns. It was pure joy for them as they were able to use their creativity as women to be "crafty". The delight on their face as they tried to figure out how to use a glue stick, some plastic gems and glitter and Burger King Crowns to make something beautiful. They wore them proud as Gina talked about Esther. "You were created for such a time as this." "You are precious and created for something very important." We could see the slumped over positions they came in and blank stares start to change.

As they sat their with their crowns of splendor on their head, I read to them a blessing over them of what Jesus desires for them in their life. A chance for them to hear the truth  of what they were meant for.

A women named Joyce made 130 royal purple scarves for the women. We handed them out as Lynn talked about Lydia and her heart being opened by God. From Acts 16:14. It was a sight I will never forget. A crown, a purple scarf and promises of truth spoken over them. Like the stages of a butterfly change was happening.

The next day we were greeted in the morning before the women joined us by the Mayor of Hosanna, the church staff and Hope Chest Team. They thanked us for all we are doing in Hosanna. The Mayor promises to help us further our vision in anyway he can. Amazed to say the least. So many confirmations and next steps and connections were made again on this trip.

Before meeting with the women we were also greeted by a friend of mine who we went and visited three days earlier to pray for her as she had fallen off a ladder and had a severe cut on her forehead. We prayed for her, as she was in significant pain. She lifted up her bandages to show us her stitches... my stomach turned as I saw the severity of the wound. When she came to greet us this morning for the women's retreat she came to show us her stitches were gone and no scar was to be found. What a miracle, what a faith builder as we started our final day with the women as we were talking about the healing God wanted to do in the hearts of these women.

With crowns on the heads and scarfs adoring the women, they enter the church with expectant smiles. We again sang "Beautiful Things".

I then began my talk about how God has designed us to walk in freedom from the chains that bind us. Freedom from anger, bitterness, pain and unforgiveness. I demonstrated how satan wants to keep us thinking that we have no power to change these mindsets. I talked how when my kids are struggling I ask them to write down how they feel and what they were struggling with. Then I ask them to write down the opposite. We then just declare the opposite and we start believing it and we are able to shift our thinking and change our circumstance and above all our heart. When we are pointing out our problem God is pointing out our promise. The enemy wants us to focus on the problems in our lives. This gives power to the problems and we hold on to them like a "friend" I took two chains a real chain and a paper chain. Demonstrating how we give power to a "chain" when we give it to God it is as easy as pulling apart paper. I also showed them how we think we can keep it all together and "hide" all this pain. I dropped a ping-pong ball in the water and held it down, dropping one after another I could no longer keep it all together and they were visible and not able to hide. I removed the balls and all that was left was the pure water. This is what we can be to others if we allow God to free us from these chains and mindsets. I had them think about what lies they had been believing and then to allow God to show them what the opposite of that was. I told them to find a partner and declare that to them. I encouraged them to continue to do this in each others lives. Speaking the truth out loud and speaking scriptures over each other, themselves a in their children.

We then had three stations for them to go to.

 One was a Mother/Father blessing we were able to pray a blessing over them standing in the gap for what they may not have received as children. Freeing them of the orphan mind set and being able to pray this over their children themselves.

The second was face washing. Is 61:7 "Instead of shame you will have a double portion and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will posses a double portion in their land and everlasting joy will be theirs." This was read over them as they washed their face in water and given the clothe to remember.

The third, they wrote on a piece of dissolvable paper someone they needed to forgive. As they put it into the bowl of water it was gone just as the pain caused.

Women were weeping, and shouts of Hallelujahs were in the air. Pain was replaced with Joy and and hope restored. "Making me new" Thank you Jesus that you make beautiful things out of us. Out of pain and brokenness you can make all things new.

We ended our time with worship song and dance.

As we were preparing to leave a women approached us. We had seen her several times through out the last few days. She had a very large goiter, almost the size of two grapefruits. Our hearts went out to her. Many of us prayed at several different times for her. She came back it took us awhile to realize that it was her because it was practically gone.

We began our day at the women's retreat with a miracle and ended it with a miracle. As we drove away we were beyond amazed at ALL God had done. These women were transformed. They were changed, we are confident God did His work here in the women and in our team.


Have had a wonderful time relaxing the last couple of days. Debriefing and sharing about what God has done on this trip. Leaving tomorrow night after I meet with Hope Chest Team in Addis and a new organization we are looking to hook up with for training and teaching the women in a trade to become sustainable.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

How can I even begin to describe the beautiful and busy Sunday we just had?

This morning all fourteen of us from Hosanna (Lakeville, MN) participated in a service at the children’s center; Larry and John spoke the message, Marybeth said a prayer, and the women all sang ‘Hosanna’.

After that, all the women headed over to another church service, where all eleven of us sang ‘Hosanna’ again, followed by ‘All My Fountains’. Marybeth gave the message and spoke about following your God given passions and dreaming BIG with God.  The unique part of this service was that a couple from the church also was married at the end of the service, so we were guests at a glory-filled Ethiopian wedding! Meanwhile, the three men went to the prison with the commander and visited with some jailed police who really impacted the Hosanna (Lakeville, MN) men with their story; they were imprisoned for protecting themselves - here in Ethiopia, you can only defend in the means you have been attacked.

All this made for a very touching beginning to what would become a very long day.

After the services, the women went back to the children’s center and passed out as many gifts as we possibly could before the sun set, and then had to call it a day. It was a very strenuous process, being that all the sponsors created one individual bag per child, and each had to be distributed to the correct one! Needless to say, with 300 children to hand out gifts too, we had a tiring afternoon. Thanks to our fantastic guides/helpers, we were able to get a lot done still, and will return tomorrow to pass out the rest. So far, the children have been overjoyed to receive all their bags and gifts – we can’t wait to share the pictures! Most of our team members got to give their sponsored children their gift directly, and got wonderful pictures with them! It was just as exciting! We know that all your prayers have and will continue to help us to get everything accomplished that God has set before us.

Tomorrow, after handing out the rest of the children’s gifts from their sponsors, we will meet with the head office of the Makana Yesus Church and meet the sponsored Seminarians that we have sponsored through Hosanna church. We then will begin our two-day women’s program. We are looking forward to it immensely and cannot wait to share the details soon!

Please keep our team and all the people we meet in your prayers!

Blessings to you all!

Friday, November 9, 2012


What an amazing day!

Friday November 9th
Our first day with the 300 sponsored Children!
Today we had the opportunity to spend time with the sponsored children of Hosanna!  Each of us felt so privileged, blessed, and honored to be a part of such an amazing day of worshipping and glorifying God with these children as we shared Bible stories, sang songs, and prayed together.  

We were able to see the wonderful facilities being used to school these children.  Your sponsorship is such a huge part of making this happen.  What a gift you are giving to help provide for the future of these children!

Enjoy some pictures from the day!

Blessings to each of you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The team has made it to Addis.  They are doing well.  Please keep praying for the team.  Here are some pictures from Childrens Hopechest.  The kids  received, workbooks, pens and pencils through the sponsorship.  The kids will also be receiving this week, the care packages that the team has brought.  These second packages  include colored pencils, shirts, bags, toys tooth brushes, wash cloths, soap and a snack.  These kids will feel so loved and thought of.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

This past Sunday, the Ethiopia mission team had the honor and privilege of packing and praying over all the gifts, letters, and pictures you put together for your sponsored child.  Our hearts were so touched by the love and generosity that so obviously went into each one of these packages!

We are so excited to hand deliver these wonderful blessings!
We look forward to sharing pictures and experiences with you.

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
Isaiah 1:17

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Flamingo Restaurant!

 Here is the team! I am so blessed and amazed by each and everyone of them. Our team meeting last week was at this quaint restaurant ran by two amazing women who have a story to tell like most women of Ethiopia. It was a fun night as the girls were able to experience something new, and talk about details of our trip. I love this team, and the love each one has for each other. Each brings something different to the team. I think we all feel blessed. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We have our first Mission Trip Team planned for November 6th to the 16th. I am so excited about this team and how God has placed the very people together He desired to make an impact on our women and Sponsored Children. :)

We have a team of 12 women!! Funny really, how this was open to all, but God led 12 of the most amazing strong, and gifted women to our team. This confirmed that God wanted to focus on the Women and children this trip. We are already seeing His hearts desire for us as a team and for these women and Children. It is fun to see the team bonding already and know this is going to be a powerful dynamic team of Women.

We will be doing a two day Women's Conference and two days with the Orphans doing a mini VBS. We also are being blessed with the Police Officers that went last year to do the Police Conference. (see earlier posts) They will be doing a 2nd Conference and so we will also have a focus on the Police Department. The focus for the Police Department will be to do a follow up of the Ethics classes they gave in February as well as a First Aide course. Most importantly to continue relationships with Commander Adise and the Police Department as they seek to make a continued impact themselves on other communities bringing the passion and love of Jesus to other Police Departments. Wow!! It is seriously amazing seeing God change the way these Police Officers do what the do in the name and love of Jesus. Lives are changing.

We will be going into the Mens and Women's Prison as well and possibly speaking in the Sunday Worship Service in the Prison. We will also just be blessing and loving on the women and children of those who are in Prison with their mothers.

Please keep us in your prayers and we continue to plan the conferences and that we would be listening to all the Lord has for them. We desire for Jesus to be the center and for us to not get in the way.

We will also be doing some assessing on our next trips. What the needs will be and how we can best create a Kingdom Culture in Hosanna!

Our next trips will be the end of April with an emphasis on a building team to build a kitchen for the children's meals, and a second team focusing on basic medical needs and assess possible further needs.

Our Itinerary is as follows:


November 6 Leave Minneapolis

Wednesday 7th arrive Addis Ababa, get settled into Guest House, and set out to do Ministry to sick in Homes.

Thursday 8th Leave for Hosanna Ethiopia Check into Hotel and have dinner with Worship/Prayer and prep time to follow.

Friday 9th Women’s Retreat (see attached)

Saturday 10th Women’s Retreat

Sunday 11th  Worship Service at Addis Kadan Baptist Church, Prison Visit, Police Conference

Monday 12th Police First Aide Conference/Orphans

Tuesday 13th Orphans

Wednesday 14th Leave for Awassa check into Haile Salasse Hotel

Thursday 15th Leave for Addis Airport

For the last year we have been working with Childrens HopeChest and Hosanna Lutheran Church in Lakeville to build a partnership with Hosanna Ethiopia and Hosanna Church. It has been fun to watch the church get excited about these precious children and the possibility of having our church building a bridge with this community. "From Hosanna to Hosanna!"

It has taken sometime to get to where we wanted, but God did so much in the process. We went from 180 children to 300!! This was exciting. We have been extreemly blessed to be working with the staff from Children's HopeChest.  HopeChest, works all over the world taking churches in the US and helping them Build a Bridge from a community overseas to their church.  They start with assisting with a SPonsorship Program and the goal is to work with the community as a whole not just the orphan. The goal for us and for HopeChest is to help these communities get them the start they need, training and the knowledge of the power and love of Jesus. We then help them to thrive and be sustainable on their own so that dependance on us is not needed long term but a life long relationship will be key.

August 25th and 26th was the weekend of our launch. Wow! What a beautiful and awesome time it was. The team from HopeChest came down to do the launch. Wil Crooks, Teresa Brockway and Juree Wilson. We had many volunteers to help with signing up the sponsors! Pastor Bill gave a powerful heartfelt message. Hearts were stirred, Jesus was present and miracles were happening.

I will never forget the excitement that was felt by all when the last child was held up and Wil announced "here is the last child, who wants him?" and a lady yelled, "I'll take him"!! What a tremendous feeling to know that all 300 children will have a sponsor and these families are forever blessed by doing so. A beginning to a beautiful relationship between a church and a community. Many lives will be changed and hearts touched as together we obey a calling only God could orchestrate. Thank you Jesus!!

In August of 2011, I went to Ethiopia to meet with a couple organizations that specialize in orphans, sponsorship and training women in Ethiopia for us to seek partnership for the community of Hosanna. I meet teams from Children's HopeChest and Children's Home Society and we all traveled to Hosanna together. I was not sure how traveling with both teams would work as I was scoping out the idea of having help on the ground to establish sponsorship programs, feeding programs and training women in SHG Groups. (Self Help Groups)

 I was so pleasantly surprised by the excitement they both gave in seeing our vision for Hosanna.  I shared our vision of working with the orphans, the widows (ex-street women) and Pastors and how we want to have one another working and helping each other to create a sustainable way of living. We would support and send our young men and women to Seminary, they would teach and train our women, and the women would love on bless the orphans.

It was fun to see our vision start to take place in the hearts and plans of our Ethiopian friends. They have seen the effects of their work take place in other parts of Ethiopia, and now wanted to come together as two organizations and with us to help build this community.

Once again, I left Hosanna amazed at what God had done. I seem to always go in with a bit of an "idea" of what we are going to do and God blows us away. Following Gods lead is really simple when you realize your ideas and your ways just are not going to be a sliver to what yours are. He leads, we follow. I picture a daddy dancing and a child standing on his feet. Where are you going next daddy? I so trust you.

 We started working right away on getting permits to work in Hosanna, being established as an organization and profiling the 180 orphans.

Friday, September 7, 2012

In Feburary of 2011, a trip was planned to bring a Police Conference to the many men and Women Police officers in the region of Hosanna. John Bermel with Influence International has taught a Police Ethics course in the United States and in Kenya. Since developing a strong relationship with the Mayor and Police Department, it was surly where God was leading us in these next steps. John and another Police Officer Larry Lotzer were to also go down with Pastor Bill Bohline from Hosanna Church. Unfortunately Pastor Bills dad passed away. At the very last minute I decided to jump on in with them to help out with logistics of the trip.

What a great trip to see Police Officers from the US, connect with the Police Officers of Ethiopia. It was powerful to see what these Police Officers are doing for the good of the people in their community was the same in such far away places. I came away from the conference with a new respect for the Police Officers everywhere and what they do on a daily bases for their communities.

God is at work in the town of Hosanna, Commander Adise has given great efforts to bring Jesus to all the Police. Every morning at 6:00 they start the day with an 1 1/2 hours of worship and prayer before work.  Many of the nearly 500 unmates worship as well, and have come to know the Lord from the efforts of the Police bringing the Power and love of Jesus inside the prison walls. They are changing the town with how they now react to unlawfulness differently. These men and women now fight crime not out of anger but out of a love they themselves are finding in Jesus.

We were able to speak at the service in the Prison on Sunday Morning. It was an eye-opening experience and a very sweet sight to see these inmates worship.

We are very excited about the relationship that our Police Officers at Hosanna! Church now have with the Hosanna, Ethiopia Department. This will be along term relationship that will be cherished both ways.

This relationship we hope to model for other communities and regions of Ethiopia. To train these Officers to go train others.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ethiopia in April! 7-10-2011

We have just made another trip to Ethiopia in Mayof 2011. We were able to go this time as a family for 3 weeks.  This trip was so amazing on many different levels. It was great for us to be able to bring our three kids to show them all what God is doing and let them share in it, and feel apart of it.

We also brought another key person along with us to help us with insight in furthering our ministry to the women. Jill Hall, is a good friend from Hosanna Church, she works for the EFCA, and Global Finger Prints as a Missionary and has studied and helped with Micro-financing in other countries. It was wonderful to have her come with us as she was able to see the women and have insight into our next steps. She also helped me do a one day conference in Hosanna Ethiopia for the women. There were about 90 women who participated. It was good to connect with them as women and share with them the Fathers Love. It was fun as Jill and I both had prepared messages and we spoke back to back and with out rehearsing or preparing together had a message that flowed beautifully. God was present and we were able to demonstrate to them how much the Father Loves them and how much we loved them as well as how to love themselves. All of which were new concepts as they have lived a life of survival and have been used and mistreated. Love is simply foreign to them. We were able to hear a testimony of a women of the life she lived and how she was helped out of a life of prostitution, something she needed to do to survive. She was told, like the other women that Jesus loves her and desires much more for her. She told this as tears rolled down her face, I just wanted to hold her and realized the pain these women live in everyday. My heart was breaking and I am so thankful that we are able to continue to walk this road together with them.We ended with washing their feet, one of the biggest acts of Love in which Jesus demonstrated to His disciples. They had never experienced this before, and were extremely touched I could sense this was a very humbling experience for them. It was a blessings to look into these women's eyes as we were washing their feet and pray prayers of blessings over them. I was overcome with how much the Father loves them, and ached for them to know.

At this time we have had some key meetings in Ethiopia with those we may partner with to help us start a Micro-financing program. This will allow the women to start a small business and pay it back in a year. Our hope is to get them to be mentored by our friends and young pastors whom we will be sponsoring and the women will help us with other projects such as the orphans. It will be a natural flow, and cycle in which each will pour into another. This will bring our several areas of ministry together, all helping another and becoming sustainable within each other.

While we were doing the women's conference Randy and the kids ministered to the children of the women. There were about 60 of them. They played games, soccer, parachute games and just showing them love. The kids themselves were in such great need and you could tell they lived a hard life.

Right now as we prepare to start a micro-financing program our priority is to continue to teach them Biblical values, and the knowledge of Gods love for them. I will be preparing Bible studies for the women, and children biweekly so they continue to learn and we continue to stay connected with them.  It is imperative that we continue to pour into them  the Fathers Love even before we help them out financially.

Also in Hosanna, we met with some of the 180 orphans. We saw the area in which they lived, and met some of the people who are helping to take care of them. We were able to pray with them for their future and Gods leading for us to bring help and aide to these precious little ones who were very sickly and malnourished. This was another key piece to for us to go on this trip to meet with key leaders in helping us partner to get a sponsorship program going to get them fed daily, clothing and medical help that is needed. We are very excited to watch God move in these children's lives. This was one of the most moving and gut wrenching part of the trip to see the severity of these children who have been left orphaned and hungry. But God says, " I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS, I WILL COME TO YOU". He has come and we will not stop until we see them safe secure, and knowing who they are in His eyes... they will know.

Pastor Abinet is on the right, he has been taking care of and ministering to the 180 orphans with little help. The women in the picture has been taking care of these street orphans taking the most needy into her home.

Praying a blessing over these little ones and for our future relationship with them. What precious darlings, my heart ached when we left.

Another very encouraging part of our time in Hosanna was seeing that the two churches in which we have been working with have already started working together. We saw this as something God wanted to do, and we were working towards a plan on how to get them to do this. Well, God is at work there so much that He has already done this, this is encouraging as we see this partnership key in the 5 areas we are working in. The Pastors are rallying together to help each other, as well as the Police Chief and Police department. Wow! How awesome to see us being able to be working with all these leaders and they all be working together all for one purpose, to listen to the Lord and and seek him in glorify his name in doing what He has called us all to. This tells us that Gods hand is in this and He is in the midst of bringing Pastors, leaders and Police officials together for long term sustainable impact that will change Hosanna and beyond.
The kids getting ready to lead worship with Pastor Abinet in the Adis Kadan Baptist Church.

I was asked to give a message at the church service this Sunday morning.

Solomon is on the left, he is the President of the Mekene Yesus Church in Hosanna and a very dear friend.

This is the home of Mekonen and Abebech the Pastors of the Addis Kadan Baptist Church in Hosanna. We  love them.... like family. Mekonen's brother had just died this was a solemn but precious visit. 
Police Commander Adise. What a wonderful man who has let the Lord use him to dramatically change the police department and people of the town of Hosanna.
Commander Adise after receiving his new Apple Valley Mn. Police hat given to him by Police Captain John Bermel. Police Officer John Bermel was with me on the prior trip giving a police Conference to the officers in and around the town of Hosanna. See below post for story.

Commander Adise and the Police Department at early morning prayer meeting held every day before starting work.

Commander Adise and Solomon, President Of Mekene Yesus Lutheran Church. Good friends, leading Hosanna to a better future.

The rest of our trip was spent getting to know our daughter. The kids were able to meet for the first time and it was priceless. We have been on a long journey through this adoption and trying to bring her home. There has been many obstacles that have delayed us. We have been very close several times to bringing her home to have our court dates cancelled. This has been extremely hard. We were able to go to her grandmothers home and meet the grandmother... what a precious lady who loves the Lord with her whole heart, and loves her granddaughter enough to let her go to have a life where she will be feed, nurtured and loved. We also met our daughters brothers and found the youngest one to be very sickly and starving. We found out later that the grandmother was giving him up for adoption as well as he will not make it where he is at for much longer. We then realized why the all the struggles with this adoption... we knew we were to adopt him as well. So when we finally get to bring our daughter home, we are double blessed to be able to bring him home at the same time. Wow, we always knew that there was another boy we were to adopt as between us and several others there were 4 dreams of us adopting a little boy. We just had no idea it would be her brother. :)

We believe God has had us on this journey for a bigger reason then just to adopt these two precious children. We know that this journey has taught us so much about adoption, the process in Ethiopia, and above all the desperate situation these children are in and the seeing first hand the longing in the children's faces at the orphanage each time we have been there. We believe that God is teaching us many things in this area as we will quite possibly need to know them in our ministry in Ethiopia and possibly having a deeper bigger impact in the areas of orphans and adoption.

Please keep us in your prayers in all of these areas. Our desire is that God leads in all of this that self diminishes and we resolve to letting God do in us what he needs so He can do in Ethiopia what He needs through us.

Many blessings,