Thursday, December 20, 2012














The women!






New Creation
A spoken Blessing

A touch of Blessing


 Queen Esther

 "Such a time as this"

 His presence fills 

Hope Restored



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Highlights of our trip

Wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and support to those who have been there for each one of the 2012 team to Ethiopia. They were felt that is for sure. What a trip! God did far more then we could have ever dream or imagined! 

A few highlights are.

1. Passing out care packages to the 300, teaching them about Jesus and getting to know and love on them all. We actually spent 4 days with them, what a blessing!!

2.  Meeting with over 60 of the Seminarians and bringing words of love and blessings from Hosanna, Lakeville to the Hosanna Seminarians. After the big meeting with the Seminarians, 3 of us met with the 9 Seminarians that we are sponsoring. It was such a joy to hear their stories and what they are going to do as soon as they graduate. It was a blessing to get to know the Seminarians that we are sponsoring to go to school.

3. A Transforming Women's Retreat. See excerpt below from my blog. (a highlight to say the least)

4. When at the hotel a couple from Texas greeted me. They had been following our ministry for the last couple of years. They apparently knew we were coming and hoped they would see us in Hosanna. I was amazed at the God connection and more amazed when I heard their hearts. They have three children and are currently living in Addis. They have started a ministry in Addis with women off the streets now making beautiful scarves that are being sold in stores like Nordstoms and Macy's. I was so excited as getting the women in jobs so they can be sustainable are our next steps we have been praying about. This is something we have been working on for 2-3 years, but everything seemed not feasible, or not the right timing. We introduced them with our women staff and then went to meet their ministry when we were in Addis. We will continue to keep in contact to see what the Lord does to see if we can bring the scarf making to our 80 women.

5. In a matter of two days I got to speak at the church service of a wedding in Hosanna Ethiopia and skype in at Hosanna! prayer chapel, for dear friends wedding who had just come to know the Lord recently and wanted to renew their vows. How fun is that!

6. The mayor of Hosanna came and presented to me a plaque for Hosanna, Church for all we have done for the town. He offered to give us any land we wanted to pursue our work!! This brought me to tears, as buying any type of land in Ethiopia is a difficult process. Humbled to say the least as we see Gods hand and favor over and over. 

7. With the sponsorship money and building that is being rented, a church was planted out of it as well! Yeah God!  I was very impressed with how they were very strategic on picking the children from all over the country side as to reach out to the Muslim area, and then to hold church services for all the children women and anyone in the area. Pastor Solomon is now the Pastor and his wife Fantu is the women in charge of bringing the 80 women to the Lord. They use this building for the children women and the church. Our vision for it all coming together is happening.

8. Met with Tesfa from Hope Chest and discussed much about the project. I walked away thrilled and excited about all of it.  I learned that out of the 20 care Points we are by far the largest one most are only 150. We enjoyed so much getting to know the Hope Chest staff, Alex who was our translator and helped us with the children. Impressed with them and so thankful to partner with them, and God connection for sure.

 9. Many healings inside and out. See below.

10. God is strategically placing people to work with us in our ministry that are solid and steadfast in Hosanna and in Addis. I am so thankful for this. We have such a "family like" connection to many and it just feels so right and is so needed as we continue to work in Hosanna from so far away. God is making it all possible and with a "holy ease."

11.Last but not least our team was incredible! All brought gifts and used them to be stretched and used by God. We did not have our luggage for 4 days, it was all apart of what God was doing in each and everyone. Everyone handled it amazingly as we remembered the words I kept feeling God was telling us before the trip. To be flexible and simple. LOL kind of fits doesn't it.

I had a word from Gemechis before I left on the trip. That my faith would be stretched, and that he saw me talking to Jesus and asking Him how will I know when to step, and Jesus answered just follow me. This is truly what this trip was like for me. I went from one thing to the next knowing full well He was with me, and confident in what it was HE wanted to say and do in and through me with the team, speaking and working with people. I think I said on several occasions. Jesus is our teacher, and I kept feeling Him in front of me. I was never tired, slept like a rock and at peace the whole time. 

Again Thank you for all your help support, love and sponsorship to help us further His Kingdom.